So we are pretty much all settled in our new home in Bergville and feeling quite content and happy. Our home is small, but very cute I think you will agree. The first night we spent here (and for the next couple nights) it rained. Rain on a tin roof is super loud. Super loud. When the rain really got going we had to yell to hear each other. The rain also messed up the water supply for our village (Woodford) so the water would only be on for a short periods. It was fine though because we had a large bucket and our brita filter and we are now experts at conserving water after having lived in Bhundu without running water for almost three weeks. OK. I am not lying. I was a little stressed about it. I was afraid it would always be this way and many of you know about my love affair with water. My tension level really starts to rise when I realize I don't have access to water. My freak out session about the water was over pretty quickly though and since then it has been fine.
The actual reason I mentioned the rain in this post is to say that in South Africa it is considered good luck for it to rain when one moves to a new place or gets married. I mentioned this before because it rained on the night we arrived in this country. So far we have had very good fortune. Here's to hoping it continues (I am raising a glass of Milk Stout to you - our new favorite beer here although it does not compare to Guinness).