After leaving Arizona we went to Denver for a quick trip. Saw Mary and Theresa and some other special friends like the Mulvaneys, Glennies and Grahams. Denver is such a great place. We had almost decided to move back, but a visit to the career center at DU forced us to take pause. We have yet to determine exactly what is next for this team.
Now we are back in Tennessee bouncing back and forth between Brooke and Jason's place and Derek's parent's home every couple of days. We are lucky to have two bedrooms to move between. I spend 30 hours or more a week looking for job opportunities and Derek has been doing some painting work on house's for the company Brooke manages. Job hunting is hard and discouraging work. And, no one pays you for it!
Some other updates:
- Transitioning to life back in America has been fairly easy - food is good, objectives are easier reach and people are friendly
- I cut all my hair off - finally did the pixie cut I have been wanting to
- We are car shopping
- Derek's cousin, Trevor, and his girlfriend and daughter, Sidnie, are staying with Phil and Becky - Sidnie is so stinking cute!
- The show Betty White, Off Their Rockers is so funny
- All my friends are having babies and we want one too!
- Eli is playing basketball
- Anna Rose is so funny, tall and skinny
- We are heading to DC in a couple weeks to scope things out
- Jack is old and grumpy and belly-aches all day long for milk. Cody is still crazy as ever
- The Pruittes have three Great Danes now: Diesel, Titan and Kaylin
- The MoU between Isiphephelo and the Okhahlamba Municipality is signed - this was a major stress factor for me and I am so glad I succeeded in getting it sorted