All the Sangoma's from far and wide arrive | | |
Moving in for the weekend |
Preparing the slaughtered animals |
Skins and fur are added to the regalia of the initiated Sangoma |
Melissa gets her first Isipanhla |
Ceremonial dancing and chants in the hot hot sun |
A woman from our household (mother of our sisters Nondumiso and Dakalo) finished the final stages of the process of becoming a Sangoma. She started this process before we arrived in South Africa. A Sangoma is a traditional healer. The ceremonies lasted for days and were fascinating. Goats and a large cow were slaughtered. The goat skin and part of the cow's skin including the tail became part of the assemble. I got an isiphanhla. They cut a thin rectangle of flesh off the goat and slice it down the center while leaving both ending secured. Then I press my hand through it and it is twisted up. If you have determined that what I just described is the process of having a piece of freshly cut flesh secured to your arm in a manner that will not allow it to be removed while goes through the decaying process without upsetting the ancestors - you are right! It stunk to bad for almost two weeks. Now I am officially part of the community!