On my second trip to Spoinkop we once again spotted the Rhino family. They were so close we could hear them breathe and see the dust stir as they walked. It was nuts. In the pictures you will see that as the rhinos got closer, the photos began to be snapped from inside a car. This is not because we were afraid, but because one's natural instinct when approached by such magnificent tank-like creatures is to take cover. It was an amazing bonus to a lovely picnic. My only regret is that Derek once again missed out!!! Shame!
That "shame" above is not me being sassy. It is the normal everyday response here to anything even remotely shameful, sad, disappointing or down right bad. If I trip on the way to the bank everyone around will either say "sorry" or "shame" and if I drop my lemon cream biscuit on the floor, everyone, including myself, will say "shame." It took me some getting used to, because it seems so patronizing, but really it is a heartfelt and genuine expression of feeling badly about another's misfortune. For example, when I was rather frazzled last week Sthembile said "oh shame on you Melissa." I was taken aback because although I was frazzled I did not think I had done anything wrong. Then I realized she was simply expressing her pity for my frazzled state!
Who would have thought some pictures of rhinos would be followed by a brief lesson in word usage and connotations in different areas the world?