The staff from Philakahle and I worked really hard to pull this World AIDS Day event together and off. There were a few moments of terror like when I woke up on the morning of the event to pouring down rain and nothing but gray skies as far as I could see. When that happened Busi and I rushed to the office and called everything off. Then we looked at each other and realized we made a huge mistake - this is African after all and everything always works out. And it did. One hour later the skies were clear and the stinking birds were singing.
The event was held in the taxi rank and include lots of dancing, speeches, singing and poetry reading. All the mobile clinics came to partner with us and tested more than 200 people for HIV.
It was a really great day and possibly one of the best moments I have had here because I was able to see how well everyone can work together towards a common goal. Oh and I love to dance!