I was invited by some of my sisters to attend a graduation celebration in a nearby village. It was held for all the graduates (college) from the past year. There were about 20 people being honored and, something that no longer surprises me, sadly, all the graduates were women. Once again I find myself asking, "where are all the men?" The party was fun - some good music and some good food. Being the only white person, or maybe simply because I was a guest, I was asked to say something. So, I introduced myself and then went into a diddy about the importance of education and the need to never stop learning. Arghhh... So cliche, but you know me. After my rousing speech (sarcastic) the graduates asked me to take a picture with them. Individually!!! I told them I was not that special, but one woman told me I was in fact that special just because I was there and trying to speak isiZulu. Wish I would have known long ago that a good effort and simply showing up is all it takes to make someone special!!!