Can you believe this is where we live? Maybe it helps you to see the mountains so I can tell you that it is so super cold here at night and in the mornings. Seriously, the other morning I slipped on frozen grass as I ran to catch the Koombi! By 10 or 11 each day it is usually very nice out, but once the sun is gone I make my way quickly to the warmth of my bed and read under the covers until I fal asleep sometime consistently before 9:00. Seriously, that is how early I go to sleep - what is worse is that it is too cold to get out of bed and be productive in the morning when I wake up at 4:00. Bathing is very unpleasant, let me tell you! Supposedly winter is short. Here's hoping. At least I now have a kick-butt pair of boots to wear thanks to my mom and dad and my birthday! This post was suppose to be about the splendor of the landscape! These pictures are from a camping trip we took with our friend Mary awhile back. We had a great time that weekend - even made it to a local restaurant on our way back home called Tower of Pizza. Don't mind the fact that since we don't have cars we had to take Koombis and so were forced to get there at 8:00 in the morning and wait for the place to open at 11:00. Ah well...... The pizza was worth it and Derek and Mary played their guitars for the whole three hours like real laid back hippies while I frantically tried to find a warm spot to sit in.
I am not pouting in the last picture - it was sunny!!! I love that picture because Mary captured a sweet moment between us (or so it would appear). Yep, that is my booty as I climb a super scary chain ladder. It gave me a racing heart going up it and a nauseous stomach coming down.