Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Masisukume Sakhe Project

The MSP has started working with several local groups although we are still organizing the pilot communities and the project structures, objectives and processes. We attempt to focus on assets, not needs and strive to build only on what individuals and groups are already doing.

One of the groups we have been working with is a group of nine women that formed Wema. They eventually want to start a bakery or another viable business, but for now they are making paper beads.

Another project is Dumakude. An old mkhulu has secured 40 hectares in a beautiful chunk of land near the village of Busingatha within hiking distance of Tugela Falls (the second highest waterfall in the world). He wants to build a backpacker - or at least that is what I would call his vision. Later in the year we will take him to visit Bulungula (see previous post). He has a great vision and has already built several structures. He hikes up to the mountain top every day carrying the supplies on his back and leaving his three wives behind. He is 71 years old!

Another project grew into a viable business recently and started with me teaching one of our sisters how to make tortillas. She started selling them with chicken and mayo and veggies to the teachers at the schools in the village and then branched out to selling them in town in front of the local BP station. Her and several other women have joined together to start the Diva's Bakery and Cafe. Legalwise is funding their equipment and structure.